Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sweet Little Ring Bearer.

Last week, I exploited the cuteness of my 2-year-old nephew, Henry. His perfectly scrappy little ring bearer hands were just what I needed to add a bit of scale & context to my Etsy shop product photos. My Love & I have asked him to be our ring bearer next April, so he got a kick out of "practicing" for the big day.

Something Blue
Ivory & Blue 
Burlap & Buttons
A Little Blush
Little Bit of Red

Monday, September 17, 2012

Beloved Beach.

Just back from our annual family week on the beach. Rosemary Beach, FL specifically. This year we had plenty to celebrate -- a 41st anniversary, a 35th birthday, and a new engagement. Having my whole family all in one place is a rarity, and making it happen at the beach always makes it even more special. I have always loved the beach, it's where we are all our happiest selves. The soft sugar sand in my toes, the rushing sounds of the gentle waves, and the unparalleled beauty of each sunset. It's my heaven on Earth. This is exactly why my Love and I will be tying the knot at our beloved beach next April. Here's a tiny peak into our gorgeous week.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lucky Penny Pockets.

This week, I'm starting my new collection of handmade wedding loveliness: Bouquet Wraps!  Here's a little sneak peek.

In my mother's family, there is a tiny old china doll that has been passed down from generation to generation.  It is our tradition for every bride in the family to carry it with her on her special day.  It's our something old, something borrow, AND something blue. These bouquet wraps are made with a little front pocket to hold your own something special.  Keep your precious lucky charms close to your heart on the biggest day of your life.

Monday, September 3, 2012


The last time I embroidered anything, was during a road trip at the age of 12.  I had recently learned how to do a few simple stitches and decided I needed to embellish the far-to-simple wardrobes of all my Barbies.  I added stitched graphics all over their pink mini skirts and tops, turning them into fashion trend-setters (in my mind). The practice was short-lived as I soon grew out of my Barbie phase -- although probably not soon enough...
Last week, I decided to re-visit this old-fashioned pass-time and work on my skills again.  I want to add custom embroidery as an add-on to my ring pillows on Etsy.  I had forgotten how fun and relaxing it is!  I get really into repetitive crafts -- as exhibited by my ongoing obsession with knitting.  There's just something about following a line, stitch after stitch... after stitch.  It's meditative.  Here's little sneak peek into my first bits of practice.

Handwritten name and a couple of hearts.

Using my friends' upcoming nuptials as inspiration.

Keep your eyes peeled for custom embroidery added to my shop!

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